Home > Style Domination’s 2015 Year In Review

Style Domination’s 2015 Year In Review

Well, 2015 was a banner year for me. After years of waffling, I finally started my Style Domination blog and to my delight, it’s doing really well. What started as a sort of online journal to get my “thoughts down on virtual paper” and to share my day-to-day happenings with my husband who was working in the Philippines at the time, has turned into a bit of an online resource for almost 3,000 followers, averaging thousands of page views a month.  I totally did not expect this and boy…am I grateful.

Style Domination Fall 2015

I wanted to thank my husband personally for all of his support along with my best friend Vanessa, who is a veritable idea mill. Katie – you’re pretty damn inspiring…pretty sure you came out of the womb with a camera in your hand. A huge thank you to my two sisters also, for reading my blog and boosting my YouTube views – lol. You two are the best.

I knew that “Style Domination” (which just happens to be a play on my name, ‘Dominique’) was turning into a thing when I started getting recognized in malls and on the street. I remember picking up a flower crown at a local florist and the couple in line behind me asking if I was “Style Domination”. My jaw dropped and I stared at them in disbelief as the wife waved her hand in front of my face…ensuring that I wasn’t having a stroke. Then there was the other time the pre-teen at Forever 21 peered between the racks of socks at me, came over and introduced herself and told me she loved my blog.  I floated on out of there. I was thrilled to also be ambushed by a group of University of Ottawa students on the street who to me, were inexplicably excited to meet me. Wow.

Each week, I receive emails from around the world seeking advice on beauty products, blogging advice and offers from PR companies to review products. I am so thrilled about this and fortunate! Most of the time, I just can’t believe these people found me in the throngs of blogs and websites out there!

Watercolour Map Style Domination

Learning how to manage this blog has also been a struggle. It has pretty much turned into a second full-time job for me, and I’m learning more and more each day how to balance work, the blog, seeing my family and friends, and taking time for myself.

Relaxing in Granville Island, Vancouver, 2015

The best part of this blog  – by far  – are the people I’ve become friends with all over the world. I love seeing comments from the US, Turkey, Spain, China, Denmark, Australia, England, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Belgium, South Africa, etc. I’ve also learned a ton from my fellow bloggers online, like how to properly photograph food, how to rock knee-high boots, how to stop, breathe and enjoy life, how to discover new wines, how to style clothing and I’m learning an absolute ton about beauty products and fragrance.  A huge thank you to all of you.

So, without further ado, here are some Style Domination highlights from this year:

1.Getting photographed by my close friend Katie of Yow City Style. This photoshoot single-handedly started a lotttt of good stuff for me. Thank you, Katie…from the bottom of my heart.

Wall Lean

2. My most popular post of the year…my collaboration with Anne-Marie Bouchard of AMBphoto. I think I sold 5000 pairs of Zara boots from this post. Zara should pay me.  LOL!

Dom Happy

3. The most talked about post, The Flatform Sandal: The Most Polarizing Shoe of All Time, spurred a ton of great discussion.

Flatforms Sandals

4. Fulfilling a lifelong dream of attending a fashion week.

Pink Tartan WMCFW Style Domination Ottawa Fashion Blogger

5. Being asked by Tiffany & Co. to come tour their new Ottawa store. I almost DIED.

Tiffany & Co Rideau Centre Ottawa Canada Style Dominatioon Fancy Yellow Diamonds Canary Yellow
The $1.2 million perfect necklace

6. Meeting the wonderfully talented and super friendly photographer Tracey Jazmin.

7. Working at the Toronto  International Film Festival – WOW. Just WOW.

A huge thank you to my readers, retailers, PR companies, my friends and family for all of this success. Can’t thank you enough. Here’s to more success in 2016! CHEERS!!


Style Domination Ottawa Fashion Blogger Logo

Dominique Baker
Dominique Baker

Dominique is a Canadian-based fashion and beauty influencer with a strong voice in Ottawa’s black community. Since launching her blog Style Domination in 2015, she has amassed a global fanbase. Dominique shares her life through beautiful imagery and compelling story-telling that speaks to her fans on a personal level. She’s been featured in The Guardian, Flare, The Kit and Cityline. She also hosts events for Dress for Success, the Gem Conference, and has been named a United Way Person 2 Know for the past three years.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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  1. December 31, 2015 / 11:56 am

    Thanks for being you and congrats on a successful year. Happy New Year and may you find even more success over the next 365 days.

    • December 31, 2015 / 12:02 pm

      Lola Gayle! What kind words! Thank you so much. I wish you the same! Muah! xoxoxoxox

  2. Andy Macdonald
    December 31, 2015 / 12:10 pm

    Congratulations on an amazing start up year, Dom.
    Continued success and growth in the years to come!

  3. Vanessa
    December 31, 2015 / 12:29 pm

    What a year it has been for StyleDomination! The Ottawa style community and the online blog world are richer for having you in it. Congratulations on all your accomplishments this year, looking forward to following your journey in 2016 xoxo

    ps: flatforms…. AARGH! Lol

    • December 31, 2015 / 12:30 pm

      Hahahaha! I just busted out laughing. You be good or Santa will bring your flatforms for 2016 – lol! Thanks for all of your support, babe. You’ve been nothing short of great, as always. Thank you so much too for your kind compliments. Happy New Year!! xoxoxo

  4. December 31, 2015 / 12:51 pm

    Congratulations on an amazing year. Happy 2016! Looking forward to more of your stuff 🙂

  5. December 31, 2015 / 12:54 pm

    What a fantastic year it’s been for you! Congratulations! 😀 may you have even more success next year’

  6. December 31, 2015 / 2:14 pm

    Congratz on a fantastic year!!! Cheers to 2016 🙂

    • December 31, 2015 / 3:24 pm

      Amazing, right? Lol!!! Thank you so much, Jill. Wishing you all the best in 2016 and really looking forward to what you get up to also, Pretty Lady! xoxox

  7. December 31, 2015 / 4:24 pm

    Sounds like a great year 🙂 congrats on your success! Onwards to 2016. Happy New Year.

  8. Patti
    December 31, 2015 / 4:27 pm

    Congratulations! Looking forward to following the blog in 2016!

  9. December 31, 2015 / 6:05 pm

    I’ve really enjoyed your humourous approach to style/lifestyle blogging, your warm personality, and your fellow Canadianness. Your success is really inspiring to me! I’m so happy for your success, and I hope you climb to even greater heights in 2016! Congrats!!!

  10. December 31, 2015 / 6:54 pm

    Congrats Dom! Can’t wait to see what 2016 has in store for you, and vice versa!

  11. Jenny
    January 1, 2016 / 5:06 am

    Aw Dom!! I cannot state how out-of-this-world happy I am for you on all your success with Style Domination! You’re simply incredible. My favourite thing is hearing everything you write jump off the page in YOUR unique, honest and hilarious voice. You have a wonderful way of writing just like you’re talking to your closest friends and being lucky to be your friend, I can tell you that to share that with all your followers is a true blessing! You rule lady!! Xx

    • January 1, 2016 / 10:47 am

      Awwww babe!!! What a wonderful comment! I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement. Seeing you this year was a total highlight. I should have added that to the list!!! I wish you lived closer – wahhhh! Actually – I wish we lived in London. Imagine all the cool stuff we’d get up to??? Continue being awesome, my friend. Lots of love to you all! xoxoxo

  12. January 1, 2016 / 7:46 am

    What a fabulous 2015 you’ve had…huge congrats for all you’ve achieved! ? Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2016. ?

    • January 2, 2016 / 9:41 am

      Thank you so much for your kind words and support, Traci-Ann! Wishing you a wonderful 2016!! oxoxo

  13. January 2, 2016 / 8:40 am

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece with us Dominique! I am personally inspired after reading it. I also started blogging in 2015 and yes, it has been a journey indeed. A massive learning curve.
    I pray that you keep sharing more of that good stuff in 2016 and beyond! Happy new year!

    • January 2, 2016 / 9:40 am

      How nice!!! Thank you so much for your kind comments!! Wishing you a very happy, joyous and prosperous New Year. Looking forward to more of your great photography and fashion in the New Year!

  14. January 2, 2016 / 1:59 pm

    You deserve it! It is always so enjoyable to read your posts, I always look forward to them. You put hard work into your blog and that really shows. Happy New Year, hope 2016 will be even better!

    • January 5, 2016 / 11:31 am

      Thank you so, so much for your kind words! My blog is my little baby, and I appreciate each read a viewer is lucky enough to give me. I wish you nothing but the best in 2016!! xoxox

  15. January 3, 2016 / 1:41 am

    Happy new year gorgeous! Love all your posts and I enjoy reading them. Congratulations on everything you have done! Well done and well deserved.. ♥

    • January 3, 2016 / 10:26 am

      Thank you so much for your kind comments! Loving you blog too. Means a lot that you take the time to read my posts. Wishing you all the best in 2016!

  16. January 4, 2016 / 4:34 pm

    Wow! Such an amazing year for you, Dominique! I love your informative and witty blog, and your photos are always perfection! Wishing you continued success in 2016! xo Gina

    • January 4, 2016 / 10:04 pm

      Thanks Gina! I’m so thrilled that someone as cool as you likes my blog. Means a lot. Thank you for your kind words and I wish you all the best in 2016. Stay beautiful!!! xoxox

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