With life dumping a ton of lemons on me lately, I thought I’d take the time to sit down and give some thanks for all of the great things that I’m really thankful for these days…

Through thick and thin, my husband/PIC/fellow potato chip lover supports me no matter what. With his endless supply of hugs, different perspective on things (“I like the Prada Cahier bag, Dom, because it’s named after a book”), amazing culinary skills when he puts his mind to it, this guy is awesome. He forces me to be better every single day. Thanks also for showing me that the iPhone isn’t just a text message machine.
I’ll be frank. Reese can be a shithead sometimes. From eating my Tom Ford lipstick to knocking over a pot of tea on the white carpet, this dog tests my patience. BUT – he’s pretty darn cute, cuddly and intuitive. When a relative I was extremely fond of recently passed away and I was in tears 24/7, my furry best friend sat on my lap and gently licked my hand. He’d see me sitting in a chair, feeling sad and broken, and he would come and nudge my leg too. I’d take that as him saying: “It’s going to be alright, Dom.”
Secret Shortcuts
My neighbourhood is a bit of a traffic nightmare due to a new development being built nearby. I found a shortcut to our little shopping centre that no one seems to know about, cutting my commute time in half. You do not know how much I LOVE this. LOL!
What’s App
This little messaging app has allowed me to keep in close contact with my family living all over the globe. It’s great (and free), and allows me to feel like I’m really connected to my favourite people. It also keeps me in close touch with my girls Tara and Sam who keep me laughing for hours. My “Squad” chat group is like a daily therapy session.
My Boss
My boss James is the kindest, most understanding person. Not only is he funny as hell, his larger-than-life personality puts a smile on everyone’s faces. James – thank you for rescuing me from every bad job I’ve ever had. Most of all, thanks for believing in me.
Caramel Ice Cream
I’ll let you in on a little secret: when I feel shitty, I put one – just one – scoop of Haagen Das Dulce de Leche ice cream into a bowl, sneak away upstairs into our large walk-in closet, and enjoy the ice cream while mindlessly scrolling through my fave Insta accounts (Aimee, Lydia, Patricia) . It’s an escape from life’s trials and tribulations and the small taste of ice cream is SO DAMN GOOD. You don’t know how great it feels to eat something that isn’t kale-based – oh my Holy God, I HATE KALE.
Doing Nothing
I tell ya – there is nothing like plopping down on the couch, with a warm Bernedoodle on your lap, watching mindless tv. Lounging in a hot bath with a good book is pretty damn good too. Oh yeah – let’s not forget lying in bed flat on your back, enveloped in cozy sheets knowing that you don’t have to work out/work/grocery shop/etc.
You Guys
Every morning, I check my phone first thing (bad, I know). Each and every day, I wake up to kind messages from my readers, followers and subscribers and it fills my heart more than I could ever express. I cannot thank you all enough for supporting me during this little blogging journey of mine. It really means a lot!!! *tear*
What are you giving thanks for today?
sending you a virtual hug and praying that you’re new year is full of you!
Thank you so much, Sandy! Right back at ya!
Giving thanks for every breath I breathe and living each day to the fullest good or bad we’re here.Happy Holidays to you and your family!!
Aww Kathy. I hear ya. So am I. Happy Holidays and many happy returns to you and yours! xoxoxoxo
I’m also very thankful for caramel flavored ice cream and doing nothing – or more accurately – eating caramel ice cream while doing nothing.
Pretty much my definition of the perfect day. LOL! xo