How is everyone doing? Well, I hope. Despite being a public health worker and knowing an outbreak happening of this magnitude was only a matter of time, I’m still in shock. Praying that COVID-19 slows down sooner rather than later. Sadly, the reality is that we probably still have a while to go before we can get back to life as we knew it.

Everywhere I turn, I see people pulling together and supporting one another. It’s really great. While cooped up in the house, I have had a chance to pull together at-home workouts, cook up a storm and have endless cuddle sessions with Reese and Ryan.
On top of that, I’ve put into place a few mindful practices to keep my mind and soul healthy while staying at home. Here are the tips that I feel can really help you also.

Tips For Practicing Mindful Selfcare During Tough Times
Mental Mindfulness
- Limit your news intake and definitely try to limit your social media use.
- Work on self-discipline and self-responsibility (try not to drink alcohol daily, etc.)
- It’s really important to implement structure to your days. Try to wake up at the same time daily, go for your daily walks, keep set eating times, etc.
- Challenge yourself every day. Try to learn something new. Online tutorials abound right now along with online courses offered up by many colleges and universities. So far, I have learned countless smoothie recipes, mastering Tiktok editing (lol) and how to properly groom a dog.
Emotional Mindfulness
- Ground yourself everyday. Now is a great time to start meditating.
- Practice a little yoga – very calming and soothing.
- Write a short list of things you are grateful for every single day. Try to start the day with this. Does wonders for the mood.
- Connect with your friends and loved ones. Check in on those you feel may be in need and require that extra connection.

Physical Mindfulness
- Eat healthy!
- Drink lots of water. I have been starting every single day with a big glass of lukewarm lemon water with a pinch of Himalayan salt. The lemon water is a detoxifying immune booster, and the salt helps you retain hydration.
- Exercise daily! It doesn’t have to be a huge workout. Walk your dog, do an ab workout, do a little yoga. Do something that gets your blood flowing.
- Make sure you are getting enough rest. Eight hours of sleep (at least) does the mind, body and soul good.
- Give yourself a big hug.
How are you staying positive during the COVID-19 outbreak?
I am doing most if all that, Dom. Unfortunately, we lost a close friend to the virus. .. and , the last thing I feel like is exercise. But, I will keep up. Please, do stay safe, and puppy hugs to Reese
Oh Dorcas – I am so so sorry. My thoughts are with you. No need to do what you are being bombarded with on social media. Just take care of yourself right now and surround yourself with love and support right now. xoxxox
Hi I’m so happy I came across your YouTube channel. I’m 54 and I don’t always make time for self care. I work at a hospital and just finished three 12 hour shifts. I have four days off and I plan to do loads of self care. You are beautiful and so inspiring, thank you for sharing.
Hi Jackie! Awww!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your important work! We would be nowhere without the hardworking health heroes such as yourself. So grateful.
I am thrilled to hear that you will be indulging in some self-care. Lots of rest, ok? Please keep in touch!