Ryan and I had full intentions of “canceling Christmas” this year. Hosting annually was taking its toll, and I longed to spend a December 25th on a beach somewhere sipping fruity cocktails…not basting turkeys.
As November passed, we couldn’t bring ourselves to do it and just like that, the Baker Christmas was back on.
Each year, we host both sides of our families and a handful of friends for Christmas brunch and dinner. It’s a really fun affair…from catching up with those we haven’t seen since the previous Christmas, to cramming everyone into the kitchen to toast this favourite holiday.

Despite being knee-deep in gravy and stuffing in the kitchen, I dress up. Like, I BRING IT. I love Christmas, and I love dressing up. Well, I use any excuse to dress to the nines, really. So what better time to bust out this sexy black, silky robe? “You must be kidding…” you’re saying while looking at these pics wondering who the hell wears this to mash thirty potatoes, but I’m serious. I dress up, throw on my favourite apron and get to cooking the most golden, moist, buttery turkey out there.
Now, the bustier is a little bit much, so I will probably switch it out for a black camisole, but this is essentially the Christmas look I’m going for this year. This weekend, I’ll be attending a Christmas concert at Ottawa’s National Arts Centre, and I will be wearing this exact look.

The star of this show is the lovely Silk Long Cardi care of Sympli. I feel BEAUTIFUL in it!! Seriously – it is so luxe, and such a head-turner that I relish every second that I wear it. Made of washable silk that barely wrinkles, it is also the most care-free item in my closet. Worn with jeans, pants, dresses and Sympli’s super comfy Short Narrow Pant, this cardi has proven to be nothing but versatile.
I am a huge fan of Sympli and have been supporting the brand ever since I was introduced to it during a fashion show a few years ago (check out the dress I scored from that exact show here) . This luxe brand hailing from BC focuses on enhancing the best features of all body types while providing comfortable, stylish looks. Easy to wear, completely elegant and perfect for travelling (check out my travel post featuring Sympli here), everybody should be indulging in a whole lotta Sympli.

If you are interested in trying out Sympli, you can find this great Canadian brand at Shepherd’s Fashions in Ottawa, or consult the store locator on the Sympli website.
As I look back at 2018 which pretty much tested my will to live, I am so glad that Ryan and I decided to forge ahead with hosting Christmas. To be surrounded by friends, family, laughter and love is so needed right now.
How are you spending the Holidays? No matter what you do, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and the best 2019!
*In collaboration with Sympli, worn and loved by me. Photography courtesy of the great Dave Diubaldo of Worn Leather Media