Home > Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto

Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto

The only haute couture piece in my closet is my Justina McCaffrey wedding dress. A treasured piece (obviously), I pull it out every now and then and marvel at its beauty and construction. Made to measure, it fit perfectly. I remember the ladies at Justina McCaffrey dismissing me politely when I asked if my undergarments would show at all underneath the fine silk. “This is haute couture, my dear. No need for strapless bras. The boning and fine corsetry is made to measure. It will hold you in beautifully.”

Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com

On top of its perfect fit, the details of the dress are stunning.  The beautiful layers of the pickup skirt are held in place by pear shaped Swarovski crystals that are only evident when I moved. The pale blue crinoline is finished in grosgrain ribbon with the words “Love Always” woven into it. To say its classic and gorgeous is an understatement.

Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Ryan, Dom and Dom’s Crazy Hair
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Dom and Ryan storming the runway

When my good friend Katie told me of Fashion Art Toronto (FAT), I was intrigued. When I saw that the final night, “Haute Culture”, was devoted to haute couture, I knew I had to get myself to Toronto to attend the show in person.  That was made a little easier when haute couture designer, Ryan Alexander, invited me down to be a guest at his show. Media pass secured! On top of that, the folks at Ford Canada made sure I got down there in style by lending me a Ford Edge Titanium for the road trip (and the rest of the week). Yeah. I DIED upon learning this and floated out of the dealership on cloud nine.

Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Ford Edge Titanium…the smoothest, fastest ride ever. So much fun! (Photo credit: YOW City Style)
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Dom and her new best friend (Photo credit: YOW City Style)
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
We look good together, right? (Photo credit: YOW City Style)

The night before the trip down to Toronto, I packed clothes I felt were worthy of the two days of shows and barely got any sleep, I was too excited. Friday morning rolled around and I picked up Katie and Brandon, a male model friend who is blowing up right now. He was having several auditions in Toronto and we were happy to give him a ride.

We all marvelled at the Ford Edge, which at first glance is a big SUV, but drives like a luxury sedan. Actually, the Edge is so advanced that it pretty much drove itself. With its Adaptive Cruise Control which ensures there’s a minimum safe distance between you and the car in front of you, it speeds up as you glide past a car and then slows down to your chosen cruising speed. Did I mention that it could parallel park and perpendicular park itself? This thing is smarter than I am. Also, despite its size, it sips gas. I couldn’t believe that it cost the same to fill this large SUV with gas as my beloved little Acura CSX. Oh yeah…and its lightning fast.  LIGHTNING FAST. I had to really ease up on my leadfoot.  Sorry Mr. Officer! *side glance*

It was also packed with other cool features that were really easy to use like its paddle shifters (its has an automatic AND manual transmission), windshield wipers that engage themselves once it starts raining or snowing, Sync 3 technology (a hub which controls the media systems on your smart phone such as music and phone) and safety systems that warn you when a passing car is too close, or lets you know if you are too close to another car or wall while parking and pulling out of a parking spot. Amazing. This car is so well built that it received top honours from Consumer Reports last year.

Katie and I got to FAT on Friday evening and enjoyed cocktails while looking at the art installations and fashion on display while dancing to amazing electronic tracks spun by the event’s djs. A really nice way to get pumped before settling into our seats.

Well, without further ado, here are some pics from our fashionably fantastic weekend at FAT.

Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Dom and model, Doyin – the only person on earth who can pull off grey-blue lipstick
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Front Row!
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Talent scout Simone Riding-Cunningham wearing one of Ryan Alexander’s creations
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
The Bride, Ryan Alexander (Photo credit: Jonathan Hooper)
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Ryan Alexander
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Ryan Alexander
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Ryan Alexander
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Sarah Splinter’s feminine designs
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Sarah Splinter
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Sexy Bond villainess looks by Lushyne
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Incredible attention to detail at Marie Copps
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Marie Copps
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Marie Copps
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
I almost died when I saw this Marie Copps creation
Haute Couture Luxury at Fashion Art Toronto | www.styledomination.com
Marie Copps

I had such a blast in Toronto. FAT was incredible. I feel honoured to have been invited by Ryan. Couple that with the amazing ride down in the Ford Edge Titanium and the awesome warm, sunny weather we experienced, the weekend was perfect.

Next year, if you are in the Toronto area, I highly encourage you to attend FAT. It really features fashion at its finest.

Let me know what your favourite looks are in the comments!

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Dominique Baker
Dominique Baker

Dominique is a Canadian-based fashion and beauty influencer with a strong voice in Ottawa’s black community. Since launching her blog Style Domination in 2015, she has amassed a global fanbase. Dominique shares her life through beautiful imagery and compelling story-telling that speaks to her fans on a personal level. She’s been featured in The Guardian, Flare, The Kit and Cityline. She also hosts events for Dress for Success, the Gem Conference, and has been named a United Way Person 2 Know for the past three years.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

Leave a comment

  1. April 19, 2016 / 1:39 pm

    Wow those ARE works of art! And as usual, you look amazing Dom!

    • April 19, 2016 / 1:42 pm

      Thank you so much, babe! You should go next year! Really amazing. xoxox

  2. April 19, 2016 / 2:16 pm

    Your front row outfit is devine! Adoring the embellished pencil skirt. Also your wedding gown sounds amazing! Can you post a photo of that?? Glad you had fun at FAT. What a fab experience!! Thanks for sharing.
    PS I found this amazing concealer and thought of you immediately- not bc you need it but bc you love beauty stuff. It’s Armani Maestro line eraser and it’s crazy good. I posted a before and after on my blog if you want to see. Or check it out on your own. Or both! Xo

    • April 20, 2016 / 3:57 pm

      Heyyyy Jill!!! How are you!? Thank you for sending the concealer info. I’ll definitely check it out now! I had a wonderful time and I was particularly thrilled at having to somewhere to wear that great skirt! The photos are so grainy and crappy. I have a full length shot of my outfit but it didn’t turn out at all. Sigh. My wedding dress is all packed away in a beautiful box. Photographing it is proving to be a nightmare. I’ll work on it! LOL!

  3. Ace
    April 19, 2016 / 5:58 pm

    Beautiful pieces and models! I love “The Bride” look.

  4. April 20, 2016 / 9:48 am

    Love the stunning collection! Looks like you had an amazing time. Good to hear you enjoy driving up in the Ford, looks comfy and stylish.

    • April 20, 2016 / 3:54 pm

      Thank you! I had a wonderful time! Feeling really lucky right now!

  5. April 20, 2016 / 1:59 pm

    This is a very beautiful collection… he is a true artist!

    • April 20, 2016 / 3:54 pm

      Isn’t it beautiful! He designed a black sequined blazer that was so beautiful! It shimmered colours of dark blue, purple, gold and silver. I NEED THAT BLAZER. The picture I took of it does not capture it’s full glory at all. Thanks for reading, Kathleen!

  6. May 1, 2016 / 4:47 am

    So glamorous! Way to go Ryan!!!

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