Home > For The Love Of Fine Lingerie – Simone Pérèle

For The Love Of Fine Lingerie – Simone Pérèle

I was never one for beautiful lingerie…mainly because I couldn’t find lovely pieces to fit me. Don’t get me wrong. During my last trip to Paris, I came to really appreciate good lingerie. There is nothing like the soft touch of real, French lace against the skin, or fine silk panties. Don’t forget all of the lovely trimmings too – garters, Merry Widows, tap pants, bustiers… So many pretty little things to choose from!

For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
“Real elegance is everywhere, especially in the things that don’t show.” – Christian Dior
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle

Alas, with my figure (slender with a larger chest), options were far and few between. As a teenager, I had the nickname “Skelly” for many years thanks to my skeletal physique (highschoolers can be so mean!), and then over the summer of Grade 11, puberty hit and all of a sudden, I was “Skelly Dolly Parton”.  NOT FUNNY.

For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
Sitting in the most beautiful penthouse, happy after my fitting!
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle

For many years, here I was…a size 0 with a 34DD chest and my only bra options were “military grade”, “nursing bra”, and “heavy duty”. Oh yeah – let’s not forget the sad colour palette of “bandaid beige”, white and black (I actually loved the black option). For once, I wanted a fabulous lacy bra in gorgeous colours! But where does one get these fine creations in my size? And would a lace bra support me?? Would I be able to wear one and run for a bus without getting black eyes? “No”, I thought.

Fortunately for me, I was invited to the SS17 collection preview of the lovely Parisian lingerie brand, Simone Pérèle at one of the most beautiful hotel penthouses I’ve ever seen. Extremely “Instagrammable”. This preview was an EYE OPENER. Not only was the lingerie absolutely stunning, I learned what real lingerie is. Let me share what I learned…

For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
Simone Pérèle SS2017
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
The neck detail of this stunning bra is a fine example of guipure lace. The guipure piece is fully removable. Would look wonderful under a blazer…
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
Vintage Simone Pérèle postcards.

First and foremost, I learned what size I really am. For years now, I have been walking around wearing the wrong size bra. WOW. I’m apparently a 32F, and I believe it. I no longer have slipping bra straps or bra cups with a mind of their own. The Simone Pérèle team educated me on proper fit and it’s pretty much changed my life. For instance, your bra is supposed to lay flat against your chest with the underwire sitting firmly against your ribcage, and the back of the bra should sit properly across your back without riding up. Furthermore, your breasts should sit comfortably within the cups, not busting out underneath. Visible underboob is unflattering – full stop. It is not a “look”. They should also not be busting out the sides or the top…like they are struggling to escape from a terrible bra.

I was fitted for the most beautiful set of lingerie I have ever owned. I am truly not worthy of it, it is so beautiful and elegant! Just knowing that I’m wearing it under my work clothes or a cozy sweater makes me feel beautiful and more confident. That’s priceless.

For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
Exquisite detailing!
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle
For The Love Of Fine Lingerie - Simone Pérèle

Simone Pérèle is a company with a storied history. The company was founded in 1948 by a young and talented Parisian corset-maker by the name of Simone Pérèle. Her pieces stood out as she managed to beautifully combine style and comfort with a clear and precise attention to detail. Fast forward to 2016, Simone Pérèle is now sold in 63 countries across the world with their first flagship store opening in Le Marais in Paris this past May. Three generations of the Pérèle family work in the business, so lingerie is in their DNA. The Pérèle family seems to have mastered the art of lingerie, creating styles so beautiful, yet functional and comfortable. Current styles feature Swiss embroidery on tulle (remarkably strong) to lovely and delicate “guipure” – a fabulous style of lace embroidered onto material which is in turn burned away leaving only the lace design.

I already treasure my new set of Simone Pérèle lingerie like I treasure my wedding pearls and wear it with pride. It feels beautiful, like a second skin. Each time I put it on, I’m actually reminded of how long I went wearing poor lingerie. I’m now a convert.

You can find Simone Pérèle lingerie at Nordstrom and over 200 lingerie boutiques across the country, and the SS17 collection will be available this February 2017. Be sure to view the collection. It is truly amazing.

Feel free to peruse the Simone Pérèle website also at www.simoneperele.comSimone Pérèle can also be found on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube.

Dominique Baker
Dominique Baker

Dominique is a Canadian-based fashion and beauty influencer with a strong voice in Ottawa’s black community. Since launching her blog Style Domination in 2015, she has amassed a global fanbase. Dominique shares her life through beautiful imagery and compelling story-telling that speaks to her fans on a personal level. She’s been featured in The Guardian, Flare, The Kit and Cityline. She also hosts events for Dress for Success, the Gem Conference, and has been named a United Way Person 2 Know for the past three years.

Find me on: Web | Instagram


    • Dominique
      December 15, 2016 / 1:46 pm

      Thank you, Anna! I love them!

  1. December 15, 2016 / 1:29 pm

    Those are very pretty underwear! The details are very delicate and beautiful!

    Belle | One Awesome Momma

    • Dominique
      December 15, 2016 / 1:46 pm

      Thank you, Belle! It’s so pretty. I’ve never owned such nice stuff! Haha! Thanks for reading!

  2. Velda
    December 19, 2016 / 3:45 pm

    Wow, very beautiful! I recently went to Nordstrom to buy bra’s, and was shocked that I had been wearing the wrong size bra. After being measured, I bought one in the correct size. Even though it’s more expensive than the one’s I normally buy, it feels so much better on.

    • Dominique
      December 19, 2016 / 4:07 pm

      That’s awesome, Velda! I’m sure the bra you got will last you longer too. Thanks for reading! xoxo

    • Dominique
      January 24, 2017 / 6:12 pm

      ME TOO! When I walked into the room, I immediately gravitated towards that set. Cannot wait for it’s release!

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