Home > How To Deep Condition Your Hair Using Natural Oils

How To Deep Condition Your Hair Using Natural Oils

Hi all!

Here is my latest YouTube video on how I deep condition my hair using a coconut, almond and castor oil mixture.

The star of this video is Kreyol Essence’s Haitian Black Castor Oil available on the Malachite + Elephant website.

Haitian black castor oil (HBCO) is notable because it is better suited to hair and skin than the highly popular Jamaican black castor oil (JBCO). JCBO tends to be thicker and more sticky…not ideal as a skin moisturizer and can get a little goopy for hair.

A little background…black castor oil is derived from castor beans that have been roasted, ground, boiled and heat extracted. The rich amber color comes from the roasting process. HBCO is cold-pressed therefore, there is no heat used to break down any of the healthy nutrients or acids present in the oil in its natural state.

How To Deep Condition Your Hair Using Natural Oils | www.styledomination.com

Regular clear or light-yellow castor oil readily available in drug and grocery stores is highly refined and decolourized using bleaching clay to remove the colour and natural nutty scent. This process removes its beneficial acid reducing its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which help reduce hair loss and kill harmful scalp bacteria. I’m on a “hair journey” to grow my hair past mid-back length, so I was really excited to try out HBCO to stimulate new growth and add moisture to my hair.

Side note: this oil can be used by anyone of any race. A little goes a long way, but it’s incredibly moisturizing for hair and skin. Relaxer-damaged hair, bleached out tresses, swimmer’s hair, dry and coarse hair, fine hair in need of a little TLC – you name it, this stuff will help!

How To Deep Condition Your Hair Using Natural Oils | www.styledomination.com
“Hey! Have you tried Haitian Black Castor Oil?? WE HAVE!!!”

If you are interested in ordering the Kreyol Essence’s Haitian Black Castor Oil on the Malachite + Elephant website, please use code “StyleDomination” to receive 20% off! Yay!

Stay stylish,

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Dominique Baker
Dominique Baker

Dominique is a Canadian-based fashion and beauty influencer with a strong voice in Ottawa’s black community. Since launching her blog Style Domination in 2015, she has amassed a global fanbase. Dominique shares her life through beautiful imagery and compelling story-telling that speaks to her fans on a personal level. She’s been featured in The Guardian, Flare, The Kit and Cityline. She also hosts events for Dress for Success, the Gem Conference, and has been named a United Way Person 2 Know for the past three years.

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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  1. February 22, 2016 / 11:38 am

    Wow! I should try this! Might help me get more moisture back into my hair as well!

    • February 22, 2016 / 12:08 pm

      It’s really, really good! Two days later and my hair still feels super soft and wonderful! A great skin moisturizer too. xoxoxo

  2. February 22, 2016 / 12:19 pm

    I really loved this video! Although we have different hair types, I still suffer from dry and damaged hair. Do you think this could help mine too? Ps. Your so beautiful and confident on camera, keep killing it girl!

    • February 22, 2016 / 1:45 pm

      Hi luv!! I am extremely confident that this will help your hair! I would mix it in with your conditioner, apply it to your hair…sit around for an hour or two and then wash it out! Put a tiny bit on your ends at night too. Thank you so very much for your kind words. You made me smile! YouTube is so scary! LOL! Really appreciate your encouragement! xoxoxox

  3. February 22, 2016 / 12:55 pm

    I loveeeeee using oils as deep conditioners. With my coarse curly hair, I need to give it love pretty often, especially since I’ve been blowdrying it so much over the last several months. My preferred mix is actually coconut, argan, and olive oils. Ever used them? I’m definitely going to try your mix. Thanks for sharing!


    P.S. Hope you’re well!

  4. February 22, 2016 / 2:02 pm

    Hi! I really enjoyed your video. You have gorgeous, dream hair. Sigh… Quick question. After the application of the oils, do you wash your hair with shampoo followed by a rinse out conditioner? Thanks for the hair tips. Please keep ’em coming. 🙂

  5. February 22, 2016 / 2:19 pm

    Great read as always xox

  6. February 22, 2016 / 4:21 pm

    Haha love that photo of Naomi Campbell and the caption! 😛 You goof.
    Great information though. I still haven’t tried coconut oil for my hair yet.

    • February 22, 2016 / 10:36 pm

      Hahahahaha! You know what – you make me crack up. ? The coconut oil is great but remember – a little goes a long way!!

  7. February 22, 2016 / 8:51 pm

    Great video, I learn some new tricks that I can’t wait to use. I heard that castor oil and vitamin e oil in general is very good for natural curls 🙂

    • February 23, 2016 / 7:57 pm

      They are great for natural curls! A little grapeseed oil is great too for promoting shininess!! Thanks for watching! xoxoxo

  8. ruthieridley
    February 23, 2016 / 3:28 am

    I need to do this even though I mostly wear wigs. Awesome video! xo

  9. February 23, 2016 / 9:18 pm

    Excellent post! I definitely need to try this. Thanks for sharing! =)

    • February 25, 2016 / 11:13 am

      You’re welcome! These tips really helped me!

  10. February 29, 2016 / 7:14 pm

    I use the same mix as a pree-poo treatment. I love it! My hair is much stronger. I also use grape seed oil for daily moisturizing. It’s good for low porosity hair.

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