Home > The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty

The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty

A little while ago, I worked a really stressful job. It was so stressful that it started to interfere with my daily routine. I felt like I had less time to focus on my health and wellness, and that the stress of the job wasn’t worth the impact on my lifestyle.

The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty | Style Domination by Dominique Baker

After 10 months at that job, I decided I needed to make some changes and put a plan in place. Three things helped me get my routine back on track:

  1. Kicking that job to the curb! Once the stressful job was out of my life, I felt happier and lighter!
  2. Getting my nutrition back on track. I actively sought out easy-to-prepare recipes to create healthy meals to get my energy back up; and
  3. In addition to improving my diet, I started taking the tasty Centrum Multi+Beauty vitamin supplement to help fill any dietary gaps. It also helps support healthy hair, skin and nails – what a bonus!
The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty | Style Domination by Dominique Baker

I’ve pretty much been taking Centrum Multivitamins my whole life. Centrum is a brand I trust because their vitamins are based on over 35 years of nutritional science and are the #1 adult multivitamin brand recommended by doctors*.

That’s why when I heard that Centrum had a new multivitamin that also helps support hair, skin and nails, I had to try it! I’m super excited to be partnering with Centrum to talk about the New Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty.

The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty | Style Domination by Dominique Baker
The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty | Style Domination by Dominique Baker

What I like most about these vitamins are that they are super easy to take on a daily basis. Why? This multivitamin is gluten-free with flavours such as cherry, berry and orange! I actually look forward to taking them every morning!!

The Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty supplement helps support immune function, bone health and eyesight. They also contain biotin to help promote thicker hair, maintain healthy skin, and strengthen nails.

It can be difficult to get into the habit of taking a multivitamin daily. I feel that I always start strong, taking them daily for a weeks then my routine can drop off. I instilled a few practices into my daily routine that help me take these vitamins every single day. Hopefully, they’ll help you remember too!

The Best Beauty Vitamin: Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty | Style Domination by Dominique Baker

Top Tips To Help You Remember To Take Your Centrum Multigummies Multi+Beauty Vitamins Daily

  1. I have two bottles of these vitamins: one for home and one for my desk at work. No matter what, I’m seeing these vitamins every single day which helps me remember to take them.
  2. I keep my “home bottle” of Centrum Multigummies next to my makeup bag. After I eat breakfast, I usually go upstairs and shower and get ready for work. Seeing the bottle next to my makeup bag reminds me to take them! Concealer? Check! Lip gloss? Check! Centrum Multigummies? CHECK.
  3. I have phone alarms for everything: waking up, mani and pedi appointments, my personal training, you name it. I also have a “Take your gummies” alarm. It works!
  4. Keep a bottle in your kitchen so it becomes part of your morning breakfast routine.
  5. My co-worker also takes these vitamins. We remind each other to take them every day. Having a “Good Habit Buddy” is awesome!

*This post is sponsored by Centrum.

Have you tried Centrum Multigummies Multi + Beauty supplement? For more information, visit www.centrum.ca.

*Based on IMS Health Data April 2018

MultiVitamin/Mineral Supplement. Always read and follow the label.

Dominique Baker
Dominique Baker

Dominique is a Canadian-based fashion and beauty influencer with a strong voice in Ottawa’s black community. Since launching her blog Style Domination in 2015, she has amassed a global fanbase. Dominique shares her life through beautiful imagery and compelling story-telling that speaks to her fans on a personal level. She’s been featured in The Guardian, Flare, The Kit and Cityline. She also hosts events for Dress for Success, the Gem Conference, and has been named a United Way Person 2 Know for the past three years.

Find me on: Web | Instagram


  1. December 19, 2018 / 8:22 am

    I love the phone alarm idea. I will definitely be using that.

    • Dominique
      December 20, 2018 / 9:55 am

      Hey Sandy! It really works! Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!

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